Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Birthday blog

Yes, today is my birthday, not a fact I wish to publicise widely amongst my fellow students. Oh no, have I already reached the age when birthdays are glossed over? I prefer to think it's just that so many of my classmates are mere babes in their twenties and I don't want to draw attention to the age disparity. I remember what I thought about anyone over 30 when I was that age - dessicated graveyard material with very little relevance to me. I never actually think about age when I'm at college, we're all just students together, but bearing in mind I'm probably about the same age as many of their mothers, they may not feel the same way.

The weird fact is that I am now nearer 50 than 40 - how did that happen? One minute you're in your mid-twenties and there's all the time in the world, the next you're a fortysomething and there isn't. Not that I'm unhappy to be the age I am, far from it, it just seems to have arrived quicker than anticipated. I always used to say my ambition was to be an eccentric old lady, but I notice I have stopped saying and thinking that, I guess because it's no longer just an interesting theory, but a distinct possibility, the old bit, I mean. I still rather like the idea of eccentric.


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