Saturday, June 30, 2007

Watch out for the teeth

We were in London for A to attend an Anthony Robbins seminar. A seminar for 12,000 people. Over 4 days, starting early in the morning and finishing at about 11 at night. With hardly any breaks. And lots of shouting and dancing around. And hugging of total strangers. You can probably tell it's not exactly my type of thing. More like a definition of my own private hell, in fact. Just thinking about it is enough to bring on a migraine.

A reported back to me each night, in the brief interval before grabbing a few hours sleep before the Tony thing began again. I have to say what he told me makes a lot of sense and I'm quite sure that if you apply this advice systematically to your life, you'll see big changes.

But as a full paid-up introvert greedy for peace and my own space, I do object to the relentless American worship of the extrovert. It seems you are only a valuable human being if you can be constantly 'out there', doing , achieving and talking, always talking. What about time to assimilate, to reflect and let the unconscious bubble through with new thoughts and ideas?

I can't help feeling an instinctive distrust of American self-development gurus and their perfect teeth.


Blogger Jacqui said...

I totally agree there is to much emphasis on getting out there. Today's meritocratic society (I think) is a instrumental in people losing touch with themselves, their emotions, feelings and spirituality.
Sounds like your trip to London was enjoyable.


Jacqui xx

5:13 AM  
Blogger A Bed and a Toothbrush said...

Yes, it's great to plug into some city energy and it gave me the boost I needed to get started on my first draft.
Hope your book is gradually taking shape.

6:00 AM  

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