Wednesday, December 20, 2006

'Have you seen enough, you nosey cow?'

We returned yesterday evening from our pre-Christmas parental trip. As usual it was great to be in Bath, and as usual I got my hair cut by the fabulous Lyn at Luna, who as usual supplied gossip and white wine. I also managed to fit in a visit to my friend Ursula, aged 93 and now living in a care home. Her spirit never fails to amaze me. This time she told me how she had discovered how to unlock the door onto the roof garden, which residents are forbidden to go into at night. She went out to look at the stars, but someone locked the door on the inside and she had to knock on the window to get back in. Luckily another resident heard her and let her in! If I live to be 93, I really hope I will still want to look at the night sky - and be prepared to flout authority to do it!

Even the shops in Bath failed to inspire me with Christmas shopping fever. I saw some lovely things, but it all seemed superfluous. Or way too expensive for an MA student. But on the plus side, I walked back from town to Andy's parents' house on my own after seeing Ursula and was able to look into lighted windows, which I realised I haven't done for ages. OK, it's probably nosey, but there are some beautiful houses and people don't have to leave the curtains open ...

Years ago when I lived in Leicester, I was walking down a terraced street and I looked in one window, which had no blinds or curtains, and there was a man sitting in the front room. As I walked on, I could hear him shout 'Have you seen enough, you nosey cow?' And do you know, I wasn't embarrassed at all, in fact my first instinct was to walk back and shout at him to get net curtains if he didn't want people to look into his house, but fortunately a shred of dignity, or something, saved me.

So today was the first time since last week I could tackle The Article. I was encouraged by an email sent by Nick, saying that with a bit of work on the second half and a suitable ending, it would be very good. I sat down to start it at about 11 and amazingly, it flowed really well, and with a bit of cutting and pasting and a few additions from the CADI literature, it came to 1000 words. I sent it off again and Nick is happy with it!!! Result! He is going to edit it now, of course, but I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Andy went off early this morning to meet a coaching friend for a walk over Dartmoor. He came back saying the friend wants to update his website and would like me to write it! Plus he has a friend who wants a website who would probably be interested too! Oh, and money was mentioned. Well,well, a pretty good day, I'd say.


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