Monday, December 11, 2006

That chick in the office ...

Today was the first day of my work placement with Business Cornwall magazine. (See those italics - I am following the in-house style guide. Impressive, huh?) Toni and Nick run it from their home office in an old farmhouse miles down a no-through road near Camborne.

Nick has worked as a journalist for about 20 years, on various local and national papers and industry publications. We talked about how he pulls together the editorial for each issue, which is then sent to the designer on a flatplan. The magazine is printed and bagged just up the road from here at Roche.

He showed me how he adds news items to the website, and I condensed a press release about a new media course at Cornwall College into three short paragraphs, which we then added to the news page. I also used some information sent in by a business owner to write just under 300 words for a feature on businesses new to Cornwall. I hope it will be used in the next issue with a couple more featured businesses.

I had a look at a long press release from Business Link about one of the businesses they assist, but there was nothing newsworthy about it! Quite shocking considering it came from a marketing and PR company which is presumably employed by Business Link to do their PR in a professional way.

And that chick in the office? Ah, that was the feathery kind, rejected by its mother and reared inside, pecking and cheeping as we worked!


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