Friday, December 08, 2006

Made it!

No blog entry for yesterday, the last day of term. I left home soon after 7.30 am and got back at about 10.45 pm, fit for very little. It was a very enjoyable last day. We had all written a short story on the theme of 'Metamorphosis'. Bill printed them all out and we took turns at reading and commenting on them.

I was nervous about mine for two reasons. Firstly, in my panicky state at the beginning of the week, I had overlooked Bill's request for a story and done a non-fiction piece, which I sent to him about 9 pm on Monday, before our usual midnight deadline. I was just checking through my notes in preparation for Tuesday morning when I stumbled on the instructions I had written down - a story, eeek! I seemed to remember Bill saying Tuesday was OK for this piece, but by then I didn't trust my memory, so I sat down again at the computer and hastily scrambled the piece into a 'story'.

Secondly, I hadn't realised the pieces would be read out and didn't like the idea of such a personal piece being heard by the whole class and then criticised. It was about the death of my much-loved cat, Cleo. However, it turned out OK. Nick was the first person to comment, and in the past he has been quite critical of my work and I thought he might find it sloppy. He did start by asking if we should have a minute's silence, but then went on to say it was well-written, so huge relief!

Having got mine out of the way, I was able to enjoy all the rest and was surprised how few authors I guessed correctly. After a short silly film about Kafka's difficulties in writing his famous story, we drove into Falmouth for the end-of-term meal.

Which was surprisingly enjoyable! I say surprising because for an introvert like me, the idea of a large gathering of people I don't know that well is always daunting, so I wasn't really looking forward to it. As usual, of course, my fears were not realised and it was really good to spend some time out of college chatting to people. It is great to be able to car-share with Sara, but it does mean we are slightly detached from the majority of our classmates who live in and around Falmouth. A shame that we are all going our separate ways now for a few weeks, but I do need a break, if you can call a work placement a break!


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