Thursday, December 21, 2006

Cold at the computer

Cold again today, especially sitting at the computer all day. My hands and feet get so cold, I have to have a hot bath to get warm again. In the meantime, some supper will help.

I got an email today from my contact at CADI regarding some figures I had used in the article. Good job I checked, as it turns out - it seems they bear no resemblance to what I had written down! Fortunately I was able to alter the article without too much hassle, but it's taught me a valuable lesson about getting facts checked, even when you think you're OK.

Have also written a first draft of the genre piece for Bill this afternoon, which I'm pleased about. I was starting to feel rather disconnected from college and I hope this will start me off on the assignments. I need to get to grips with the form essay for Derrek next. Where has the time gone?


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