Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Not Imelda Marcos

We slept late again this morning. Maybe it's something to do with the short, dark days at this time of year. I always think it would be much better if we could hibernate till spring. Anyway, it's difficult to climb out of the warm, cosy bed into a cold and dreary morning.

Once we'd managed it, we went to Truro to have a look at the sales. This was motivated by me having a rant yesterday about not having any shoes, which was prompted by Andy telling me we are likely to be invited for drinks by one of his clients - who apparently is glamorous. How helpful, it makes me feel like Felicity Kendall and her posh frock in The Good Life.

This kind of invitation does not crop up very often, and when it does, I always feel I don't have the right clothes - or shoes. Being a student suits me just fine sartorially as I much prefer casual clothes. I can also do business dress, although it's boring. But being smart for an occasion I find much more difficult and prefer to ignore the prospect most of the time. Until the next time, when it makes me cross again.

Anyway, between the temper yesterday and our trip to the sales today, I had already decided I can wear my old standbys, the black trousers, with boots and a top which was expensive, which I hope shows! Which was just as well, because there was absolutely nothing I liked at all. Truro is depressing for shopping. I have vowed to make shoes a priority on our next trip to Bath. I can do boots and sandals - why can't I do shoes?


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