Friday, December 29, 2006

Wet day - time to tidy

It's a wet day out there today so I'm being virtuous and sorting out my office - lots of bits to finish and things to tidy up. I like to have a clean office for the New Year. I always hope that getting rid of old stuff will open up space for new and wonderful things to come in.

I've been reading The Freelance Writer's Handbook by Andrew Crofts, which I borrowed from the library to inspire me over the holiday. It's lifted my spirits and made everything seem possible again. I can't wait to get started on features and non-fiction and start submitting work. That's what it's all about, after all.

I have been thinking about ideas for a non-fiction book and all sorts of things are coming to mind. I don't understand why we're expected to submit our first proposal before we've even started the units, and particularly straight after the holiday, when we've had no contact with the tutors for weeks. I need to discuss this with Susannah, or I'm wasting everyone's time.

Anyway, don't want to dwell on that. I think I need food, so I'm off to make some lunch.


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