Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Jukebox Judy

I feel shattered this evening. I think it's the yoyoing of my emotions over the last few days. One minute I feel panicky about the amount of work that has to be done,and then I do some and feel quite confident about it, then I do something about my MA proposal and start to get excited about pulling together the material for a book - a book! Then I get panicky again and off it goes again. Exhausting. I'm glad I'm not in college this week and surrounded by people all going through their own versions of the same thing.

Anyway, putting work to one side for a moment, I have been to see a friend today for a pre-birthday visit, and I have been playing his jukebox, which is great fun. The buttons are all big and chunky and make a very satisfying click as you push them down, not like buttons these days. Then a pink mechanism rolls across and picks up the single to play. I can just about remember them, but I don't think I've ever played one before. The songs all sound so innocent and hopeful, even the ones about lost love. Life now seems so grubby by comparison. Oh dear, I think these dark, wet days are having an effect on my mood. Roll on, spring.


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